You are my wild one. You are my night owl and my cuddle buddy. Oh how I can't believe you will be 8 in 11 days. My baby. You have outgrown just about everything and at times I swear you're smarter than me. You fell asleep in the couch last night because I was up and you said you wanted to be near me. I still had dishes to do...And laundry and Homework to check. Next thing I know you're lying there asleep...Apart of me was relieved to be honest because today you have tested my nerves. I sat down to try and respond to some messages and emails and was half asleep. I didn't get it all done...I went to bed. Thinking another day ... This morning I woke you up..First thing you told me was Hi. You said I love you you mommy. I told you I loved you too..And of course you say I love you more. We get busy and rush rush getting here and there.. I'm fussing ...hurrying and you're always the last one to seem to be putting shoes on. Always the last one out the door..asking for me to wait just one more minute. Always, always asking for quarters in the grocery store to put in those machines. Leaving your shoes and socks all over the floor. Peeing anywhere and everywhere..🙄 This morning I fix my coffee and I have a few minutes to start my devotion and of course I get distracted and see my memories pop up on Facebook and a video of you popped up and you were 1. I sobbed...Like ugly cry. God forgive me for rushing through this life and not holding my babies enough. Fussing too much and stressing and missing the small stuff. I beat myself up and all I want is for them to know I try. With all I have I try. I went to grab my coffee cup and hadn't even payed attention to which one I grabbed. Right there...You said Be still and know. I am enough and BC of you I am. Just today know..A thousand times we fail ..But his mercy remains.
