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My Miracle Boy

Writer's picture: JessJess

It was around 8:30 pm. We had just finished our walk on the peer. I pulled up to the restaurant. I got out, and closed the door behind me. I parked right up front for maw and paw, so they wouldn't have to walk very far. It was our summer beach vacation. The entire family was there and they all parked on the other side of the road. Everyone started to congregate in one spot on the other side of the road. The road that seperated with a steady flow of traffic. I turned around to make sure my children were all accounted for. My sweet 3 year old made eye contact with me. He yelled "Mommy!!" as he ran towards me and the unthinkable happened.

I remember seeing his little body fly in the air. I was horrified. I couldn't breathe. I was faint, I didn't know to scream, cry or run. I ran into the restaurant screaming "My Baby!! My Baby! Please call 911! He has been hit by a car! Please! Please call now!" There was a gentleman at the counter when you walked in, I saw him grab the phone and begin to dial. I didn't want to see him, I had no clue if he was alive. I didn't think I could handle it. I remember people hugging me and trying to calm me down.

It had been raining previously and from what I could tell he landed in a puddle of water. His father was there kneeled down beside him. I crept up, I saw him and he was alive. He was barely breathing, he was hanging on. There was a crowd, too many to count. My oldest and my middle child were in pure panic. They had witnessed their little brother fly through the air right in front of them. We wanted to move him out of the puddle but was instructed not to move him. The ambulance arrived. The immediately started the emergency process. I am so thankful there were there. The questions came. I was trying my best to remain calm but it was difficult. They were going to have to air lift him. He needed to go straight to Charleston MUSC but because of the weather they would only be able to make it to North Myrtle. From there he would be transported to Charleston. I was to shaken and too upset for them to let me ride on the helicopter. A wonderful family member was there while they cut off his clothes and administered everything.

She walked up to me. I didn't know at first who she was. She was 16 and she was the one who hit my baby. She was terrified. We both cried and I hugged her. I knew it wasn't her fault and I didn't want to carry this burden around if something were to happen to Cooper. Our information was exchanged for insurance purposes.

My ex husband and I made it back to the room as fast as we could. We packed what we could and hopped in the car. We were about 20 minutes out. The ride there was the worst. We had no clue where we going, what we would find, nothing. When we arrived we ran up to the desk. Asking where our baby was. They nurse came out and took us back to an empty room. I have never in my life been more scared, then at that very moment. I didn't not know if my baby was dead or alive. It had been 30 minutes since I saw him last and he was not well.

The longest 5-10 minutes came and went. They came to get us and take us back to him.

He was laying there. They had sedated him to keep him calm. He was hooked up to all sorts of machines, neck brace and oxygen. I stood there and just looked at him. I cried. His baby song was You are my sunshine and I started singing. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away.

The doctors came in and told us that he has some bleeding on the brain from the impact. They needed to get him to MUSC as soon as possible to get the correct treatment. They would be transporting him via ambulance and I could go. His father would follow us and meet us there. That was the longest drive. He started to wake some and I was right there. He was so confused and I tried my best to lift his spirits without being an emotional wreck.

When we arrived in Charleston it was the middle of the night and we were all exhausted. The process was long, very long. I was laying in the bed holding Cooper and I look up to find 3 of my pastors walk through the door. Pastor Brian, Pastor Robbie and Pastor Sam. They dropped what they were doing and got in the car and drove straight to us. I will will be forever grateful.

Once admitted he was put in the NICU. He would be monitored there closely overnight. After 2 days of close monitoring, some therapy and medication I could report that we were going home! God absolutely performed a miracle. God showed up and showed out thanks to the thousands and thousands of prayers he received. He suffered from a little nerve damage on the right side of his mouth from the impact of the head injury. The bleeding stopped on its on and he had no long term injuries. Thank God!

This year he is turning 8. I tell him all the time he is my miracle baby and I am reminded of God's promises and faithfulness. God didn't have to spare Coops life but he did and has a big plan and purpose for him. This story will be forever embedded in our family, church family and friends. Still to this day I have people ask about his and wants to see how he is. He is perfect. 100% healthy and not 1 single scar. He still has his little sideways smile, it gives him character.

This is Cooper's story.




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