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A Mom's Guide to Travel Baseball

Writer's picture: JessJess

You may be new to Travel Ball so Welcome! You may be a seasoned vet like myself and just need a few tips to get organized. Key is organization. It hard to plan per say when you find out Thursday night where and when you will be playing. My son plays most local fields so we are only an hour away but still planning for the whole day and with 2 extra kids.

1. When you find out the destination, Google how far it is from you and plan your route. Most teams require you to be there an hour before game time. Connor likes to be there even earlier so plan accordingly. Time of day plays a big part.

2. If your team has 2 uniforms make sure, and double make sure which color they are wearing. I even suggest putting the other clean set in the car just in case. We have made the oops before.

3. Locate socks, cleats, belt and hat. Do NOT and i repeat Do NOT wait until the morning of. Those 3 suckers can make or break your morning. We have been that family running around scrambling for that hat, or belt he swore he had.

4. Bat bag! Make sure all items are in the bat bag and in the car, or next to the door. One of my boys has decided at some random time to take out their glove to play catch in the yard.....and failed to put back. It happens.

5. Pack Pack and Pack. I try to plan and pack my sandwiches the night before. I make a mixture of types and write on the baggies what they are. This way the kids are not digging through sandwiches. Pack light snacks. I'm not a huge fan of lunchables but those are light snacks. Fruit and popcorn are also good. Just use your best judgement, you know what your player likes. Most parks do have concessions. We do fudge some but I pack to 1. Save money and 2. you never know hat your gonna get.

6. Use 2 different coolers. I use a medium size for my drinks and a smaller one for my food. Mainly because the drinks cooler is what gets rummaged through more. My dry snacks i always put in a bag and sat on top of my wagon.

7. Gas and ice. You may choose to go the night before and fill up. I go the morning of because I need my ice and don't have room in my fridge over night.

8. I highly suggest a wagon. There is no way i could lug everything around and you don't want to. Academy and Dicks are two places that sell them. I purchased mine from Academy.

9. Get Cash! You will need to pay cash to get in. Average adults $7 and kids 6 and under $4-$5

10. Chairs. Comfy chairs. Invest in a nice chair. You will be doing alot of sitting and the $5 will cut into your legs after the 8th hours of sitting.

11. Blankets, hats, and extra bag for trash. I always travel with 2-3 blankets. (Remember i am traveling with 2 younger kids as well. Now 10 and 7) The afternoons can get chilly and an extra blanket never hurts. A hat is always helpful. Useful for protection of the sun or to cover that sweaty mess of hair, Or wind blown. Hey! It happens. You will need that trash bag.

12. Expect alot of down time and delays. Bring a book. There may be 2-3 in between games. Find a shade tree, spread that blanket out for your ball player. He/she will be thankful.

13. Portable phone charger. Keep in your bag just in case your phone starts to die from all the pictures and videos. **Search portable phone charger.

14. If your traveling with a smaller child pack toys. My smallest was 3 when we started travel ball with my oldest. I packed a little book bag for him that had toys he could play in the dirt with.

15. Sundays are the hardest days for me. I miss my church and my church family. Bring your bible and start a devotion for those interested.

16. Last but not least sun screen, wipes and first aid kit.

I have also saved money by downloading the app Ibotta. You get $10 just for signing up. Save on Gas, groceries, and hotel stays.

We love travel ball. It is a life style and we do it for our babies.

Check back soon for a blog on Cooperstown. We went this past summer.




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