I sit up on the side of the bed. Rub my face and hold my lower back. I feel like I have been hit by a Truck and they didn't bother to stop to see if I needed help. I think I finally dozed off about 11:30 pm and was awake by 5:15 am...not by choice. I woke up and immediately my brain started thinking about how the day was going to go. First thing was first and that was coffee.
I stumbled into the kitchen. Poured the water into the coffee pot, turned it on and walked away.
I started my routine. "Ok kids! Lets go!" I walked through the hallway, turned on the lights and reminded them of the time and that we needed to be moving. The Groaning, complaining and the bargaining started. "Just one more minute." "My stomach hurts." "Do we have to go?" My answer always being, No, Your stomach is fine and I have to go to work so you have to go to school.
I walk back into the kitchen to pour myself a cup of coffee and there is nothing. I forgot to plug it in. I mutter a few words to myself and plug in and immediately hear the rumble of the water getting hot.
I make my way back down the hallway. Yet again poking my bears. This time with some progress. Connor rolled over I think on his left side, Cooper pulled the covers over his head and Alex was sitting up trying to wake up. "Alright guys! We don't have long, we need to get moving!"
I drag myself back into the kitchen. I stand there, looking at the coffee pot. I see water. Not just any water but hot water. I forgot to put the coffee grinds in the filter. I won't give up! 3rd time's a charm right? Coffee pot is now set. Plugged in, water, and coffee grinds. As the liquid gold comes down, I yet again make my way back down the hallway. This time
I am bound and determined to get them going.
As I stand there in my pajamas I remind them that if we are late THIS is what I will be wearing to check them into school. I believe Connor Glanced at me over his pillow and that was the deal breaker. He was in middle school now and mom wasn't cool on her best days, Let alone in her old tshirt, hair on her head and some old holy shorts. Kids are now stirring around getting ready.
Back into the kitchen I go. Now for this long awaited cup of coffee. Now poured and I am ready to tame the Momster.
Finally in the car on the way to school. I spilled Coffee on my legs. A small argument about the radio erupted but was short lived. We go over afternoon activities. Connor has ball practice, and Cooper has a game. Most nights Alex has dance, Connor has a game and Cooper has a game. Don't ask my how I do it, by the grace of God and help.
Kids are dropped off at school and no one is tardy. That is a successful morning so far.
I walk in the door. Its quiet. I still have about an hour to kill before I have to get ready for work. Every light in the house is on and Alex made a mess in the kitchen packing her lunch. Connor left his towel and clothes laying in the bathroom floor. One of the boys peed ...all over the seat and last but not least toothpaste was all over the sink.
Somedays you just feel as though you are going through the routine. The everyday mundane. The reality is they are growing up right before my eyes. Not too long ago they were waking me up, standing in their crib crying for Mama. I would walk in to their little arms raised waiting for me to pick them up. Now, they are so "busy" hugs are few and far between. Not too long ago my time was spent sitting in the floor holding snacks to have them try and walk to me. Now I call their name 100 times before they will come to me. I remember Connor's first ball game. T-ball. We couldn't wait to have him start. He was only 3 and he couldn't pay attention to save his life. He played in the dirt and would wave at his mama. Now he will be 13 soon. Middle school ball, travel ball and now legion ball. He is so serious about it. He doesn't really talk that much anymore or at least prompted.
MotherHood is a blessing. A complete and utter beauty. Motherhood is not the same to everyone. I call my version a hot mess. It's a day by day of I don't know what I'm doing but by Gosh I am going to love my babies with all that I have in me.
We may have a rough morning, day or week and that's ok. It makes me a better mother and makes them better people.
The one thing that I have learned the most is that children are resilient. They don't expect you to be perfect. They want to lay on the couch with you at night and watch a movie. Let the dishes go. They want you to come read them a story at night and let the laundry go. They want you to tell them you love them and sing ridiculous songs so you can laugh together and put the phone down. They want you. Not what you can do for them or give them but you.
God gave you each other.
Happy Mother's Day!
